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Many things influence the choice of subject matter used in my artwork. As an architect, I appreciate the form, structure and detail of the built and natural world. I was taught to sketch and draw the human figure by Sam Rabin, at adult education classes, a useful skill for my architectural studies in Manchester. At university, I learnt technical drawing, requiring the use of a drawing board and t square, for hand-drawn plans, elevations and perspectives.

In recent years, I have focused significant time on drawing and painting. Starting with a blank piece of paper or canvas, I sketch with a pencil or brush in a disciplined manner. There are many subjects that call out to be painted, but plants, buildings and people presently hold my attention. Living in south-west London, my recent studies include plant and architectural elements found nearby at Hampton Court Palace and Kew Gardens.

If you are interested in commissioning a bespoke artwork, contemporary view or portrait, please use my contact page.


Selected Artist at: The Sunday Times Watercolour Exhibition

  • Willis Museum, Market Place, Basingstoke, RG21 7QD
    27 October 2020 - January 2021
  • Mall Galleries, The Mall, London, SW1
    19 January - 24 January 2021

Selected Artist at: The Sunday Times Watercolour Exhibition

  • Mall Galleries, The Mall, London, SW1
    17th -22nd September 2019
  • Town Hall Arts, Trowbridge, BA14 8EQ
    5th October – 9th November 2019
  • Guildford House Gallery, High Street, GU1 3AJ
    16th November – 2nd January 2020

Selected Artist at: The Lynn Painter - Stainers Prize

  • Mall Galleries, The Mall, London, SW1
    5th – 17th March 2019